Saturday, October 11, 2008


距离感让人觉得很不自在。朋友,家庭,情侣,工作伙伴,学生和老师,大人和小孩,陌生人之间的距离,只要一些变化便能感觉和以前不一样了。为什么一定要有距离呢?为什么就不能和睦相处呢?为什么一定要吵吵闹闹呢?这就是所谓的真实世界。。。人,都是自私的。尽管那个人再好,但内心深处还是有一些些的不满和心机。我一直告诉自己这个世界不是那么现实的,但我看到了很多内心丑陋的 人。不管是朋友,家人,未来伴侣,工作伙伴,学生和老师,大人和小孩,陌生人,都要提防!!!!但我坚信,家人不会出卖自己。

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We always have that in our life. People around have always the littest ugliest side of theirs, even we do, its just that we never express it out or show it out cause we think its not necessary.

When times comes to protect ourselves in the world of reality, we defend, though not hurting anyone but you just gotta defend yourself to protect yourself getting hurt.

Ultimately, family are there for us, though sometimes we do have conflicts and some misunderstanding there, least we're still there for each other.